On August 22, 2024, the Australia Labor Party (ALP) betrayed the disabled community by passing the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024. The legislation, that was written and amended without consultation or co-design with the disabled community, restricts the once flexible scheme in many ways, in an attempt to cut costs to the scheme.

The passage of the legislation marks the beginning of our campaign to #RestoreOurNDIS. We know it will be a long campaign, and we know many disabled people will not survive it. We encourage you to Share your story and get involved.

This includes restricting participants to only supports on a predefined list of NDIS supports written by bureaucrats and amendable by the government of the day without a requirement for co-design.

Deciding participants budget through an as yet unknown “needs assessment” tool, that will not be challengeable if the NDIA make a mistake, an is amendable by the government of the day without a requirement for codesign.

Creating debt clawback powers that will saddle participants with debt even when they did not approve or even know about fraudulent claims. Before the passage of the legislation, NDIS related debts had already caused suicides in the disability community.